
Q & A with 3 Carnivore Doctors

Folge 171: Q & A with Dr. Shawn Baker, Dr. Elke Lorenz and Dr. Rainer Klement 


A live interview from the Medical Conference in Baden-Baden with Dr. Shawn Baker, Dr. med. Elke Lorenz an Dr. Rainer Klement on questions from our followers.  


How do cardiologist colleagues react to Dr. Lorenz, who recommends Keto and Carnivore? How many CT-scans are ok if you don’t want too much radiation? Do we need extra aids to detoxify from heavy metals? Are exogenous ketones a natural supplement? Can epilepsie or glyosis be healed with carnivore? How quick can ferritin levels rise on the carnivore diet? 


And how long does it take to reduce HbA1C-values?  What about Carnivore and dementia? Do antibodies däecrease on Carnivore no matter what you eat on Carnivore? Should we always have a heart CT scan if we have high LDL cholesterol? Is a ketogenic diet good for everyone? Should pregnant women follow cravings for carbs? Is raw meat better to digest? Are there any contraindications to Carnivore? Do you need to eat organs on a Carnivore diet?  

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